Cat: 3 | Mathematics: MYP and the Common Core

11 - 13 Mar 2025 | VIRTUAL - 08:30-13:30 UK time
The International Baccalaureate (IB)

(+20% UK VAT applicable for UK schools only). A late booking surcharge will be applied to all virtual workshop bookings made within 10 days of a workshop start date.

Workshop Format

Featuring 12 hours of intensive, live interactive virtual workshops plus up to 3 hours offline; over 3 consecutive days with 4 hours of synchronous workshop per day.  Fully authorised and certified by the IB.  Delivered virtually by IB-trained expert workshop leaders on ZOOM.

Timings: 09:00-13:30 UK time each day with a pre-workshop set-up meeting starting at 08:30 UK time on Day 1.

About the workshop

This workshops is recommended for MYP Maths teachers teaching in the context of the United States of America or with an interest in teaching in the USA.

In this workshop, you will discover how the MYP is ideally suited to implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for mathematics.

  • You will dissect the standards both for mathematical content and mathematical practice as you explore how elements of the MYP already deliver on the CCSS requirements.
  • You will investigate the types of assessments suggested by the CCSS for mathematics and supplied by both the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. You will then design your own assessments that satisfy the rigour and contextual learning necessitated by the CCSS for maths.
  • You will also explore how “inquiry” can be used to deepen understanding of concepts and how it can be effectively implemented in the maths classroom.
  • With a good understanding of, and practical experience with, contextual learning, authentic assessment tasks and inquiry-based instruction, you will develop MYP units of work that meet the needs of the CCSS for maths.
  • At the same time, you will have a forum for sharing of ideas and best practices with other educators, while also tackling common implementation issues.
About your booking

Once you have made your booking, you will receive an automatically generated BOOKING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and an invoice (or a receipted invoice if you have paid by credit card). Shortly after that, once we have processed your booking, you will receive an email from us with further information.

Once we have confirmed that the workshop will go ahead we will send you a confirmation email and an information pack which tells you everything that you need to know about joining your sessions. The links to join your sessions will be sent to you by email around 2 days before your sessions start.

If you have any queries regarding your booking, please contact us at